
Dear authors!

The “Extreme Human Activity” magazine publishes scientific and methodological articles in all fields relating to applied sport and extreme activity.

The editorial office accepts for publication articles that are formatted to the appropriate requirements.

Technical requirements:
1. Article volume cannot exceed 4 pages of typewritten text
2. Pictures and photos must be in jpg, tiff, or psd format

Content requirements:

Articles should contain (numbering is not necessary):

1. Title

2. Author(s) data:
- Full name of each author
- Degree
- Position, division, and full name of organization, city, country
- Electronic and postal mail address, phone number to reach author(s)

3. Key words

4. Summary (2-3 lines)

5. Text of the article should contain: research topic, goal, research organization, subjects, research methods, discussion of results, conclusion, and bibliographic links.

6. Bibliographic links: The list of used literature should be formatted with ‘ГОСТР 7.0.5-2008’ (Civil standard P 7.0.5-2008). Quoted literature should be listed in alphabetical order; foreign literature comes after native literature.

It is necessary to add to the article:
1. Two reviews; reviewers’ identities must be verified by an organization. It is possible to send a review to the editorial office by fax.

2. Photo of the author(s) in jpg, tiff, or psd format (photos from Microsoft Word and the Internet usually are not suitable to print)

Articles are not paid for.

To authors reduction
Editorial office address: 105122, Moscow, Sireneviy bulvar 4, RSUPE.
Department of the theory and methodic of applied sports and extreme activity, office 207.
Phone / fax: 8 (499) 166-56-95. E-mail: alpfest [at] mail [dot] ru

 1. All manuscripts undergo rigorous compulsory peer review by the editorial board of the Journal.
 2. The Editor in Chief determines whether the article corresponds to the Journal’s profile. Then, the article is sent for a peer review to a member of the editorial board or an external scientist with a similar to the article’s topic scientific specialization. Degree of the external scientist is a level higher than the Candidate of Science or equivalent.
 3. The reviewers are notified that the manuscripts transferred to them, are intellectual property of the authors and relate to the data which are not a subject of disclosure. The review process is conducted anonymously.
 4. Time taken to review is determined by the Editor in Chief. The maximal term of the peer review is two months from date of receipt. The Author is immediately notified of the reception by e-mail.
 5. The following points should be included in a referee report:
a)      Whether the content of the article is corresponded to the title,
b)      Whether the article has the academic novelty,
c)      Description of the positive and negative aspects of the article.
The final section of the referee report should include recommendations whether the article should be published as is, or the author should do revisions, or the article should be rejected outright.
 6. If the referee report has any recommendations to correct and revise the paper, the remarks made by the reviewer will be forwarded to the authors to consider them in the course of drafting the further version of the manuscript or to provide a substantiated refutation of the reviewer’s arguments. The revised paper is addressed for another review.
 7. If the reviewer does not recommend a paper for publication, the Editorial board can forward paper to the author for the revision of the manuscript or be addressed to another reviewer. A negative opinion is forwarded to the author by e- mail.
 8. According to the inquiries of expert councils the referee reports can be submitted to Supreme Attestation Committee of Russian Federation.

9. Manuscripts received contradictory reviews should be forwarded to an additional reviewing.
 10. The final responsibility for decisions of acceptance or rejection of a submitted manuscript lies with the Editor-in-Chief and Chief Editor.
 11. After the article is accepted for publication, the executive Secretary of the editorial staff contacts and inform the Author via e-mail within 3 days. Upon the request of the Author inquiry can be sent.
12. Origins of the referee reports are kept in the editorial office for 3 years.


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